
Game On!

What people know about cats is that while being cute, they each have their own personalities. This personality may extend to what can happen to a house. Thus, you’re a cat out to help “re-decorate” the abode, room by room …

Up to 5-players race to make as much a mess as possible, while encountering various obstacles that also roam the house. 


Here's what's in the box.... 

1  Turn order ladder and score board
1  Hallway room
4  Large room (3 slots)
5  Medium rooms (2 slots)
6  Small rooms (1 slot)
5  Big Cat tokens
10 Cat tokens
11 Turn order cards
5  Player cat cards
6  Obstacle cards
30 Cat mess cards
4  Obstacle mess cards
56 cards in total 

About the game ....

Created by Paul Low. Cinnamon illustrated by Christy Loh.
Game playtesters : Angel Tang, Carol Ng, Juan Carlos, Poon Jon, Ramsey Mano, Sufiz Bin Mohd Suffian, Yong Cheah Yee.

RM75 per game box set (excludes delivery)